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Главная > Помощь > Order

Главная > Помощь > Order


How to make an order?

Search and choose the products, their versions and quantity you want to buy and add them into your basket to form a shopping cart. You do this by simply clicking on the green "Buy" button next to each product. You can view items in your shopping cart anytime by clicking on the link with the "basket" icon on the grey navigation panel near the search box. You aren't required to pay for items added to the basket until you decide to make an order.

How to place an order?

You can always get back to your cart to add or replace some items from our Software products catalogue. When you are finished, simply register on our site. Then login to the system using your username and password. If you have already logged in, any product that you add to your order is automatically saved in your basket. Choose the delivery and payment method and get the final sum of payment, then confirm.

If you want to change the shipping method or the method of payment or remove, add or change the quantity of products, make your changes before purchase. If you need some help please contact us.

What should I do when the format of my data do not correspond to the form you are using?

If such a mistake appears, please type the additional information in a note form displays below on the fourth and final step of ordering — the order confirmation.

How to check my order status?

You can obtain your order status directly at your personal account anytime after logging in. You will also received emails from us regarding the processing of your order. Any changes performed manually by manager and not in a real-time mode. Please notice that all the orders are processing only on weekdays from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Широкий ассортимент
Можем поставить любое ПО и оборудование, продающееся в РФ. Заказываем редкие программы, в том числе не представленные на сайте.
Официальные поставщики
Всё ПО и оборудование поставляются через официальных дистрибьюторов. Программы предназначены для активации на территории России.
Скидки постоянным клиентам
Сделав первую покупку, вы автоматически получаете скидку на следующий заказ.
Быстрая доставка
Доставляем ПО на email от 10 минут. Физические товары доставляем с курьером по всей России.
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