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How can I get technical support?

Write a letter to support@allsoft.ru to get technical support. As a rule, our specialists can consult you on the aspects of installation and frequent common problems with installing and using applications.

Can you install and setup my purchased software on my PC?

Yes, we have this service and it's free. All you need to do is to connect our support operator through Online Consultant Application (orange button on the top of our site) or call 8-8002002233, add. 1. Then download the special application and follow the instructions. Please tell your password to the support manager. He will get an access to your computer with all the security guarantees and will be able to heip you without any data loss or damage.

What to do when the software doesn't work?

Please check if the software installation requirements match the configuration of your computer before purchase. If this doesn't help please read the software manuals, help file or visit the developer's site and check the program's settings.

Are you responsible for the software quality?

Allsoft.ru do not warrant that the quality of the Licensed Software sold on our site. We do not test these products, is it the responsibility of the software developers.

Широкий ассортимент
Можем поставить любое ПО и оборудование, продающееся в РФ. Заказываем редкие программы, в том числе не представленные на сайте.
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